CIRHR Research Seminar
Our CIRHR Research Seminar series invites industry leaders and researchers to present their findings. Future guest speakers include:
Shaping Police Officer Mindsets and Behaviors: Experimental Evidence of Procedural Justice Training
September 11, Rodrigo Canales, Boston University Questrom School of Business, Management and Organizations - A Gender Quota for Top Executives: Effects on Diversity and Performance
September 25, Amalia Miller, University of Virginia Department of Economics
November 6, Chunyun Li, LSE Department of Management
Wednesday WIP
Our CIRHR Work-In-Progress Seminar series allows members of our community to discuss early-stage research. Future guest speakers include:
- Are Women More Likely to be Sourced for Knowledge?
September 18, Shannon Potter, CIRHR PhD Student
- To Let Go or Step In: How Managers Patch Worker and Client Tensions Arising from the Distribution of Authority in Gig Work Settings
October 9, Laura Lam, CIRHR PhD Student
- The Exclusive Nature of Private Solutions to Public Problems: Evidence from (For-profit) US Charter Schools
October 16, Farzam Boroomand, University of Minnesota, PhD Student (virtual talk)
- I can do this, but do I want to? Strategic skill deployment to adjust the wage-effort bargain
October 23, Shawn Meikle, CIRHR PhD Student
- Understanding Firm Responses to Immigration Shocks
November 20, Xiner Xu, UofT Economics PhD Candidate
- Referral Ties and Persistence in Job Search
December 4, Santiago Campero, Assistant Professor, CIRHR