Graduation Information

Graduation ceremonies (or Convocations) happen twice a year – in June and in November. Ceremony dates are posted on the Office of Convocation website

If you are planning to complete the requirements for graduation by the end of the Winter or Summer session you must confirm your intent to graduate on ACORN by the deadlines listed below. 

In order to ensure you will be eligible to graduate email the Program Coordinator as early as possible with your final selection of courses for the upcoming academic session. Don't wait until it is too late to make changes to your course selection. It is your responsibility to verify that you have fulfilled all program requirements. It is not possible to take additional courses in the CHRM program once you have graduated from the program.Graduation must be requested by logging onto ACORN during the request window noted here:

November 2024 Convocation:  June 25, 2024 - September 6, 2024

June 2025 Convocation:  January 1, 2025 - February 28, 2025

There is no guarantee that late changes can be processed. Contact the Program Office for assistance at

It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to check that all program requirements will be met by the end of the Fall/Winter session if they wish to graduate in June or by the end of the Summer session if they wish to graduate in November.

Name Changes

If you want to make any change to your name as it appears on ACORN, submit official documentation (eg. birth certificate or Canadian passport) to the CHRM Program Office and submit a Name Change form as soon as possible. Late requests cannot be accommodated.

Convocation Dates,Times & Ceremony Information

For any questions relating to the ceremonial aspect of graduation (tickets, special seating for guests, etc.) please see the Office of Convocation website.

Information about the ceremony will be sent via email [to utor email accounts only] by the Office of Convocation in October. You will be directed to their website to order tickets for your guests and to rent your gown and hood for the ceremony. There are deadlines, so make a note of them to ensure that you get your tickets!

Your Diploma

Your Diploma will be given to you at the convocation ceremony. If you can’t attend the ceremony, you can obtain your diploma either by picking it up in person or paying for it to be mailed to you. Details are on the Convocations website.

Additional Information

CHRM Program Requirements

If you requested graduation on ACORN, your academic record will be checked by the Program Coordinator. A confirmation of your graduation eligibility will be emailed to your utor account shortly after the graduation request deadline.

Your contact information on ACORN 

Your contact information on ACORN must be accurate and up to date or you’ll miss essential notices about graduation from a number of University offices. Please take a moment now to look at your address, your phone number and your email address and ensure the information is accurate. Note that only UTOR email addresses are considered ‘official’ for correspondence with the university. 

Can you take more courses after you have graduated?  

It is not possible to take additional courses in the CHRM program once you have graduated from the program.