
The Certificate in Human Resource Management (CHRM) is designed for students who have completed undergraduate degrees in subjects other than human resource management or related programs such as Employment/Industrial Relations who now wish to study courses in this field to meet professional needs, prepare for advanced studies or simply to broaden their academic experience. The level of instruction is undergraduate.

CHRM is a part-time program and the majority of students will finish the program over two academic years. Students who have been granted transfer credits and/ or students who are able to enroll in a conflict-free course schedule may be able to enrol in a full-time course load and/or complete the program in less than two academic years. Students are advised to check course prerequisites and the timetable to determine if this is possible.  Students wishing to get a head start in CHRM should apply for admission to the Summer session and complete some introductory courses during the summer session. Prerequisites are strictly enforced. No exceptions are made.

Part-time Study & Program Restrictions

CHRM is a part-time program and most students will finish the program over two academic years. Students may enrol in a full-time course load provided the schedule is conflict-free and prerequisites are met. 
Students enrolled in non-CHRM courses will be removed from those courses at any time by the Program Office and will be responsible for any tuition/ancillary associated with that course.

Students are not permitted to take courses at UTM or UTSC.

The courses offered in this program are from the Faculty of Arts & Science and may be available only during the day or evening in the Summer and the Fall/Winter Sessions. Not all courses may be offered every session. Please consult the timetable for course offerings.  Certain groups of students in the Faculty of Arts and Science in programs other than CHRM may be given priority for enrolment into certain courses.


Program Requirements

Certificate in Human Resource Management will be awarded upon successful completion of five (5.0) full course equivalents with a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of 1.85.

Students must complete 5.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) of which no more than 1.0 FCE may be taken from Group B. 
Most students will complete the 5.0 FCEs from Group A.

Group B (these are all 0.5 credit courses)
ECO101H1 Introduction to MicroEconomics OR IRW230H1 Economics for Work and Organizations
SOC100H1 Introduction to Sociology  I:  Sociological Perspectives
SOC150H1 Introduction to Sociology II:  Sociological Inquiries
SOC207H1 Sociology of Work and Occupations
STA220H1 The Practice of Statistics I
STA221H1 The Practice of Statistics II

Note:  In lieu of the STA courses, we will also accept IRW220H1 Statistics for Work and Organizations, offered by the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources)