Registration for the Summer School is Now Open

April 21, 2022 by Andy Vatiliotou

Want to know how to navigate climate change and its implications in your work and your organization?

Climate change represents an epochal change, exerting multiple disruptive effects on the world of work that are often hard to assess. This is why we are offering the opportunity to participate in the Climate Crisis and the Future of Work Summer School, an innovative in-depth one-week training course (6-10 June, 2022) taking place simultaneously at the University of Toronto (in English) and at the Université de Montréal (in French).

You will upgrade your knowledge and skills through a unique training architecture combining practitioners from a variety of backgrounds, organizations and sectors; graduate students specialized in labour relations; a seasoned team of teaching professionals; and many of the world’s leading specialists on climate change.

Places are limited, so we encourage you to register as soon as possible to take advantage of this opportunity. English-language activities are available in Toronto and French-language activities in Montreal.

The cost of registration is CDN$425 for the week, all fees and taxes included. Registration is also available by the day at $85/day. Registration includes meals, coffee breaks, a cocktail reception, simultaneous interpretation and relevant documentation (for in-person attendees). More information, including a preliminary agenda, is available at the CRIMT's official event website.

Graduate students currently enrolled in university can refer to the information below on how to register for academic credit.  This may be done without additional tuition fees.  Academic credit is only available to those attending in person. The Canadian Industrial Relations Association/ L’Association canadienne des relations industrielles (CIRA/ACRI) has also made a limited number of travel and accommodation bursaries available to student members.

Some remote options will be available through sponsoring organizations. CIRA/ACRI will also make the livestream of sessions available for free to members.

CIRA/ACRI travel and accommodation bursaries (up to $1000/each) will be available to five (5) CIRA graduate student members in good standing who would like to enrol in IRE2715H-F Climate Crisis and the Future of Work for credit at the UofT’s Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources in Toronto.

In-person attendance at this year's Summer School is a wonderful opportunity for CIRA-ACRI students to meet other students, and network with a wide range of world-of-work actors, practitioners and professionals. Please note that the companion course taking place simultaneously at the School of Industrial Relations, Université de Montréal, is already fully subscribed.

To express interest, or request more information, please contact with your name and home university.

To *register and to find out if your school has a reciprocal agreement so you can receive course credit from your home university for your attendance:

  • Contact your university’s Exchange Office and ask about the Ontario Visiting Graduate Students (OVGS) Program or the student Exchange Program (Outside Ontario).
  • Complete the required paperwork and obtain approvals from your home departments and send to them for approval. 
  • Your home university will then forward your request to the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Toronto and to the Centre for Industrial Relations & Human Resources. Courses offered to visiting exchange students pay no additional charge other than what is required at their own university for tuition.

The Climate Crisis and the Future of Work Summer School is co-organized by the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Rersources (CIRHR), the School of Industrial Relations at the Université de Montréal, and the Inter-University Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT). Course registration and bursary application must be completed by May 15th to ensure your participation in the Summer School at the University of Toronto.