British Uber driver win is promising, but gig workers still need basic rights | New from PhD Student Laura Lam

March 3, 2021 by Anonymous

PhD Student Laura Lam has co-authored an article in the Conversation, alongside Anna Triandafyllidou, Canada Research Excellence Chair in Migration and Integration, Ryerson University. 

"In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom recently ruled that Uber drivers are employees of the company and not simply using its technology as self-employed contractors.

"Nicholas Humblen, a Supreme Court justice, explained:

“Drivers are in a position of subordination and dependency to Uber, such that they have little to no ability to improve their economic position or professional or entrepreneurial skill.”

"The ruling makes clear that platforms should be required to offer basic benefits for the people “collaborating” with them. This ruling can have an impact beyond those in the U.K.

"But where does the decision leave migrant gig workers?

"These implications were discussed in a study recently presented under the auspices of the CERC Migration program, focusing on newcomer migrants who work in the gig economy, notably on platforms like Uber, TaskRabbit or Amazon Flex, to name a few."

Read the full article at The Conversation

VIew the presentation and video of An unlikely stepping stone? Exploring how platform work shapes newcomer migrant integration by Anna Triandafyllidou and Laura Lam at Migration and the Future of Work 
