Spotlight On: Maurice Mazerolle

June 11, 2020 by CIRHR Communications

Graduated: 1993 
ThesisThe long-term employment outcomes of individuals following job loss from plant closures 
Research areas: Alternative dispute resolution, Collective bargaining, Conflict resolution, Fairness as public policy, Industrial relations, Labour relations, Negotiation 
Now: Retired. Most recently Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, Academic Director, Centre for Labour Management Relations 

Dr. Maurice Mazerolle worked on a variety of public policy topics over the course of his career, including preventing workplace injuries among young workers, economic and social correlates of re-employment following job displacement, and regulating conflict in public sector labour relations. Mazerolle also has worked in labour relations and consulted for the St. John Construction Association, Ontario Hospital Association, Education Relations Commission of Ontario and the Canadian Labour Market and Productivity Centre. 

His publications included numerous collaborations with fellow alumni, including Doug Hyatt (CIRHR PhD 1992), Bob Hebdon (CIRHR PhD 1992), Gangaram Singh (CIRHR PhD 1998) 

Selected publications: 

Collective bargaining  

Conflict resolution 

  • Hebdon, R., & Mazerolle, M. (2003). Regulating conflict in public sector labour relations: The Ontario experience (1984-1993). Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations, 58(4), 667-686. doi:10.7202/007821ar 
  • Hebdon, R. & Mazerolle, M. (1995). Mending Fences, Building Bridges: The Effect of Relationship by Objectives on Conflict. Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, 50 (1), 164–185. 

Fairness as public policy 

  • Mazerolle, M., & Singh, G. (2004). Economic and Social Correlates of Re-Employment Following Job Displacement: Evidence from 21 Plant Closures in Ontario. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 63(3), 717-730. Retrieved from 
  • Mazerolle, M. J., & Singh, G. (2002). Social support and the reduction of discouragement after job displacement. The Journal of Socioeconomics, 31(4), 409-422. doi:10.1016/S1053-5357(02)00132-4 
  • Mazerolle, M. J., & Singh, G. (2001). Screening as a prerequisite for vocational training after job displacement. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 53(4), 595-608.  

Mazerolle was the 2012 winner of the CIRHR’s Morley Gunderson Prize in Industrial Relations, which recognizes and honours graduates who combine outstanding professional achievement with significant service to the Centre. In 2017, Mazerolle published an opinion piece in the Globe and Mail with Richard Chaykowski and Rafael Gomez (CIRHR PhD 2000): Is a 21st-century model of labour relations emerging in Canada? 

Prior to his retirement, Mazerolle was Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University. He served as Director of the Centre for Labour-Management Relations and Chair of the TRSM Human Resources/Organizational Behaviour Department. Before joining the faculty at Ryerson, Mazerolle held faculty appointments at York University, the University of Toronto, and Wilfrid Laurier University.   
